On May 15, 2014 I wrote a post on why it is very difficult to notice when a channel breaks. You can read that post here. The short version is that I am not Superman (or Batman or Luke Skywalker) and cannot keep track of all 60+ channel within Retrospect. Advanced Statistics However, in Retrospect […]
GIT-ing things done
A while ago we moved to BitBucket for the Retrospect Issue Tracker (see Bitbucket here we come). Together with this change, we also converted our SVN repository to a GIT repo and added it as a private repository to the BitBucket project. The big benefit is that issues that are fixed are linked to the […]
What’s in a name? – Part 2
… Apparently still a lot! A while ago On the 23rd November 2013 I announced that XOT-Uzg.v3 was going to change its name. Back then, the main reason was to make it more clear for people, especially none-Dutch speaking people, what the add-on did. That day XBMC Online TV was born. Then on the 1st […]
XBMC Online TV – Nightly GIT Repository
In December 2015 the nightly repository was moved from a separate repository into the main Retrospect repository at Bitbucket. See here. Nightly GIT If you are really into XBMC Online TV and want to keep up with the most recent changes, you can now pull XBMC Online TV from the XBMC Online TV Nightly BitBucket […]
Kodi Online TV?
I guess most people heard already (or not), but XBMC is changing its name to Kodi. So what does this mean for the name of XBMC Online TV? As you can read here we already changed the name of XBMC Online TV about half a year ago. That change did not really have a large impact […]
Why a channel breaks and I/we don’t notice!
You know what I really, really dislike: stuff that does not work. Things (and software) need to do what they are suppose to do. They should all serve their purpose. So can you imagine how frustrated I get whenever I notice that a channel broke in XBMC Online TV. Because XBMC Online TV should also […]
Bitbucket here we come
Some more changes to XBMC Online TV are on it’s way: we are migrating our code stuff from Google Code to Bitbucket. Main reason for this the lack of private GIT repositories at Google Code and the rather outdated issue tracker. What will happen now? We are currently migrating all existing issues (open and closed […]
Program Add-on be gone
In 2006 I created the very first version of the XBMC Online TV script. At that point XBMC only ran on Xbox and only had support for Python script. Those scripts had their own user interface (GUI) and thus skins. So Uitzendinggemist.v2, as it was called back than, was only a Python script add-on, something […]
What’s in a name?
…apparently a lot! A long time a go, in this very same galaxy a Xbox Media Center script existed that watch Dutch missed episodes. It had 3 available channels and was abandoned by it’s creator. The name of the script: “Uitzendinggemist”? “Say what,” I hear you think! It is Dutch for “Missed an episode”. I […]
Server hammering
Today we blocked a number of IP addresses, because they were hammering our servers. An average of 250 downloads of XBMC Online TV + updates PER HOUR! Not so nice for the bandwidth and CPU. So we were forced to block them. If you are getting an “403 – Forbidden” response while attempting to download XBMC […]