In the recent XBMC Online TV v3.3.6 update we added some statistics logging. Over the past week we got a lot of feedback and wanted to show some results. The most important bit of information we wanted to know was what channels people watched and how often. Well the results are here.

Playback statistics

XBMC Online TV usage statistics

XBMC Online TV usage statistics

We expected the Dutch channels to be at the top and that turned out that way. The Top 3 channels being watched are all Dutch. However, being in the top 3 was something we did not expect. Second thing we did expect were the Swedish channels being at a high position. We have rather large Swedish user base, and they seem active and occupy position #5, #6 and #7. The newly introduced channel managed to get a spot in the Top 10, which is impressive for a new site and channel.

Program vs. Video Add-on

And then an import one. As you might know we provide both Program (Script on XBMC4Xbox) and Video add-on functionality (see here). We are however considering to remove the Program add-on part as it is rather outdated, and does not really look that nice at the moment (it originated from the Xbox era). So we also tracked how people start XBMC Online TV.

Program vs. Video Add-on

Program vs. Video add-on: 27.7% vs 73.2%

And the winner is: Video Add-on. We did however expect the difference to be even larger. During development we target the Video add-on and just try to make sure the Program add-on keeps working. This mainly caused by the fact that the Program add-on also needs skinning and designing, whereas the Video add-on just uses the XBMC user interface. Due to the fact that XBMC Online TV as a Video add-on needs to load at each directory it is a bit slower than the Program add-on, but it does use a lot less memory.

The future for the Program add-on is uncertain. Like I said, we are thinking of removing it, but as over 25% of the users are using it, we might post phone that a bit. Perhaps we will see and try to figure out was OS the the Program add-on users are using (Xbox??) and see if we can provide it as a separate download. To be continued…..